DBGizmo  A serious tool for busy SQL Server database professionals.
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The best way to learn more about DBGizmo is to download a free demo now!
DBGizmo was designed as a complement to existing database utilities. SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) does many useful things and there are hundreds of other tools for SQL Server database developers and administrators.
However, there are several pieces of functionality missing from the collective feature set. DBGizmo provides that functionality, offering many useful features not found in other database utility products.
»  There are many good tools for modeling and designing a new database.
»  There are many good tools for managing and/or monitoring SQL Server.
»  There are many good tools for writing and executing ad hoc SQL code.
»  There are many good tools for extracting and manipulating bulk data.
DBGizmo does not simply duplicate features that are already available elsewhere.
» There are very few tools to help you explore and analyze the structure (tables, columns, constraints, and indexes) within an existing database.
» There are extremely few tools to help you explore and analyze the dependencies between SQL routines (triggers, functions, views, and stored procedures).
» There are almost no tools to help you examine, compare, and manipulate (copy, restore, delete) all rows in related tables being affected by ongoing application development efforts.
» There are no tools to help you examine, compare, and manipulate sets of related rows in related tables (such as a specific customer and all of his/her contact data, order data, and payment data).
DBGizmo addresses this lack of effective tools. It makes daily activities faster and easier for SQL Server database developers and administrators.
Wingenious encourages you to compare the features of DBGizmo with other SQL Server utility software because DBGizmo offers great functionality in a simple application for an affordable price.
Click here for some comparison details.
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